
Monday, 21 November 2011

Waiting on the World to Change


"You Wouldn't of Hit Him..... These Knuckles, Pristine"

Adrien Brody performs beautifully in this film, The Experiment, a remake of the German psychological thriller 'Das Experiment'. The film centres around a group of ordinary men - one man in particular, Travis- who answer an add in a newspaper for subjects to take part in research study; taking on the roles of guards and prisoners examining how the effects of said assigned roles affect the participants. We see what power and authority can do to certain people and how even the gentle minded of people can turn against their own morals to cope in any situation. This film is powerful and saddening all at the same time; although the main body of this film is to open your eyes to how fragile the human mind can be and how the slightest change of circumstances can shift a whole moral balance. I personally soften to the love story that runs through the hard times of this film; through Bay played by Maggie Grace of Lost, and Travis played by Adrien Brody the story has an undercurrent of love and fate as the two find each other through Travis' experience. Also the cinematography of the film is absolutely beautiful mixing the harsh scenes of the prison with the exotic colours of India.......just beautiful.

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